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Text File | 1994-06-18 | 9.2 KB | 229 lines | [TEXT/MPS ] |
- Apple II
- File Type Notes
- _____________________________________________________________________________
- Developer Technical Support
- File Type: $E0 (224)
- Auxiliary Type: $0005
- Full Name: DiskCopy disk image
- Short Name: DiskCopy disk image
- Written by: Matt Deatherage, Dave Lyons & Steve Christensen May 1992
- Files of this type and auxiliary type contain disk images from Apple's
- DiskCopy program on the Macintosh.
- _____________________________________________________________________________
- DiskCopy is a program written by Steve Christensen of Apple Computer, Inc.,
- for internal use in duplicating and distributing 3.5" floppy disks. Because
- of its utility in distributing disk images on the Macintosh, DiskCopy is used
- in several Apple developer products even though DiskCopy is not an official
- Apple product and is not supported as such.
- Since the monthly Developer CD Series discs contain many DiskCopy disk images,
- and since the AppleShare and HFS FSTs in System Software 6.0 and later
- automatically translate DiskCopy files (HFS file type dImg and creator dCpy)
- to Apple II file type $E0 and auxiliary type $0005, the format is provided
- here for your utility use only. Apple does not guarantee that files not
- generated by DiskCopy will work with DiskCopy.
- DiskCopy uses a simple checksum algorithm to help insure data integrity for
- archived disk images. The algorithm for generating the 32-bit checksum is as
- follows:
- Initialize checksum to zero
- For each data REVERSE WORD:
- Add the data REVERSE WORD to the checksum
- Rotate the 32-bit checksum right one bit (wrapping bit 0 to bit 31)
- The following 65816 assembly language routine calculates a DiskCopy checksum.
- It's not a speedy operation--it takes about 12 seconds to calculate the
- checksum on an 800K disk image. Anyone finding an assembly routine that can
- perform this task in under 5 seconds may apply for their IIgs Certificate of
- Deityship, as documented in the File Type Note for file type $B6.
- (Oh, by the way, any entries have to be under 1K in size--the following
- routine is 88 bytes. So don't think unwinding loops is your ticket to fame
- and fortune.)
- ****************************************************************************
- *
- * Compute checksum for DiskCopy data
- *
- * v1.2 by David A. Lyons, 18-May-92
- *
- * MPW IIgs assembly format
- *
- * Inputs on stack:
- * Push pointer to data (long)
- * Push size of data (long) (Must be even!)
- * JSL CalcChecksum
- * STA TheChecksum+2
- * STX TheChecksum
- *
- * Output:
- * Checksum in A and X (bytes +0 and +1 in X, bytes +2 and +3 in A)
- * (The inputs have been removed from the stack)
- *
- ****************************************************************************
- CalcChecksum PROC
- phd ;save caller's direct page reg
- lda #0
- pha
- pha ;push initial checksum value (zero)
- tsc
- tcd
- checksum equ 1
- oldD equ checksum+4
- theRTL equ oldD+2
- dataSize equ theRTL+3
- dataPtr equ dataSize+4
- *** Set dataSize to -(dataSize/2)-1 so we can count up by one
- *** (instead of down by two) to see when we're done
- lda <dataSize+2
- lsr a
- eor #$ffff
- sta <dataSize+2
- lda <dataSize
- ror a
- eor #$ffff
- sta <dataSize
- ldy #0
- nextWord inc <dataSize
- bne moreData
- inc <dataSize+2
- beq noMoreData
- moreData
- *** Get next 16-bit word from the data buffer
- lda [<dataPtr],y
- xba ;swap to 65816 byte order
- *** Add the data word to the checksum
- clc
- adc <checksum
- sta <checksum
- bcc noCksumRoll
- inc <checksum+2
- noCksumRoll
- *** Rotate the 32-bit checksum right one bit, wrapping bit 0 into bit 31
- lda <checksum+2
- lsr a
- ror <checksum
- bcc bit0was0
- ora #$8000 ;if we rotated a 1 out of bit 0,
- bit0was0 sta <checksum+2 ; then set bit 31
- *** Advance to the next word and go back for more
- iny
- iny
- bne nextWord ;go back for more data
- inc <dataPtr+2
- bra nextWord ;go back for next bank of data
- noMoreData pla
- xba
- tay
- pla
- xba
- tax ;pull checksum into YX (put in 68000
- order)
- pld ;restore caller's direct page reg
- lda 2,s
- sta 2+8,s
- lda 1,s
- sta 1+8,s
- pla
- pla
- pla
- pla ;discard input values
- tya
- rtl
- EndP
- The following definition is used in this document in addition to those defined
- for all Apple II file types:
- Checksum A 32-byte quantity calculated using the previously-defined
- algorithm. When these are contained in the file, they are in
- REVERSE order.
- All of the information for a DiskCopy disk image is in the data fork. The
- resource fork usually contains Macintosh resources (in Macintosh resource fork
- format), including vers resources listing the checksums. This allows
- Macintosh users to use the Macintosh Finder's "Get Info..." function to
- quickly examine the checksums.
- The File Format
- Because this is a native Macintosh file format, all the multi-byte constants
- are stored in Reverse order.
- diskName (+000) 64 Bytes A Pascal String containing the name of the
- disk. This field takes 64 bytes
- regardless of the length of the String.
- dataSize (+064) Rev. Long The number of bytes (not blocks) of user
- data. User data is the 512 bytes of each
- block that a normal block-reading command
- returns.
- tagSize (+068) Rev. Long The number of bytes of tag data. Tag data
- is the extra 12 bytes of "scavenger"
- information present on 400K and 800K
- Macintosh disks. Apple II operating
- systems always leave these bytes zeroed,
- and they're not present on 720K or 1440K
- disks. If there are no tag bytes, this
- field will be zero.
- dataChecksum (+072) Checksum Checksum of all the user data on the disk.
- The checksum algorithm is called for the
- entire disk, not on a block-by-block or
- sector-by-sector basis. This is in
- Reverse order (most significant byte
- first).
- tagChecksum (+076) Checksum Checksum of all the tag data on the disk.
- If there is no tag data, this should be
- zero. This is in Reverse order (most
- significant byte first).
- diskFormat (+080) Byte 0 = 400K
- 1 = 800K
- 2 = 720K
- 3 = 1440K (all other values are reserved)
- formatByte (+081) Byte $12 = 400K
- $22 = >400K Macintosh (DiskCopy uses this
- value for all Apple II disks not
- 800K in size, and even for some of
- those)
- $24 = 800K Apple II disk
- private (+082) Rev. Word Must be $0100. If this field is not
- $0100, the file may be in a different
- format.
- userData (+084) dataSize Bytes
- The data blocks for the disk. These are
- in order from block zero through the end
- of the disk.
- tagData (+xxx) tagSize Bytes The tag data for this disk, starting with
- the tag data for the first block and
- proceeding in order. This field is not
- present for 720K and 1440K disks, but it
- is present for all other formats even if
- all the data is zeroes.
- Further Reference
- _____________________________________________________________________________
- o GS/OS Reference